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Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Block & White Deodorant

Has anyone seen the latest Block & White deodorant commercial shot in MRT? My sister had a comment about it and I realized that she has a point and it’s really funny.

The commercial goes like this. An old man enters the MRT, the commercial model gave her seat to the old man. She holds on the safety handrails exposing her whole right armpit. What advertisers can do just to promote a product? Sometimes it’s already unrealistic.

The last scene, the girl moved to the center and reached for the highest handrail—then again exposing her armpits. It is necessary to do that? Wahahaha!

Just a thought…

1 comment:

Sherry Go Sharing said...

my sis went to laser for her armpits to remove the hair, the guy she was dating scare of hair. funny yeah, she broke up with him as he is outstation always.