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Saturday, September 30, 2006

Last Day Of September

Saturday and September is almost done and I’m about to sleep. I hope my Sunday won’t be as dull as Friday and Saturday. Last Friday, I was on scheduled vacation leave. I was supposedly had a plan to go out. But since there’s a blackout all over the metro, I stayed put at home. I was fortunate I’m on leave. I don’t have to endure the heat in the office with a mix of acidic smell of my colleagues.

My thin legs are still aching from the 31st to Ground Floor incident. Basically, my Friday was dull. I’m so damn bored that I kept on calling my friends in the office. I can’t rely on my cellphone cause there’s no network coverage and my cell’s battery is running out of power.

Saturday was an improving situation. My electric fans wake me up at 7:20 in the morning. What a nice wakeup call it is. I immediately charged my cellphone and went back to sleep. I was shivering with the #3, so I clicked the #2 then comforted myself with my blanket. I got up by 9:30AM. Did my regular pushups and sit-ups. Had eaten pandesal with Cheese spread. Bathed then switched on the television. The power went out by 11 in the morning. I went to our backyard and hopped to our swing and started writing about the Thursday incident. When I heard my neighbor shouting in joy, it’s my signal that the power went back. It was 12:30 I guess. Had my lunch then started watching TV.

It’s my second time to watch House over AXN. I appreciated watching it today. It is a fun series definitely.

1 comment:

Sherry Go Sharing said...

I usually charge my cell phone at night.