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Monday, September 25, 2006

Monday Blues

First day of the week, and I’m still feeling sick. I have this dry cough and I feel so weak. Just after doing my push up this morning, I felt a pain in my left shoulder. Ouch!

This weekend, I just stayed home. Had a quality time with my bed and the television. Though my cough is hurting my weekend rest.

I’m listening now to RX93.1 online. Guess what, the same Amazing Race Classic Moments plug in AXN has a radio version. Wahahaha! Speaking of Amazing Race, I didn’t have the chance to watch it this weekend. It’s the same time slot of America’s Next Top Model.

I’ve got to see the movie, A Lot Like Love yesterday over Star Movies. I’m just curious what happened after the scene where Oliver (Ashton Kutcher) was in the cemetery talking to Emily (Amanda Peet) on the cell? I changed stations and watched Desperate Housewives. Can anyone tell me? When I clicked back to it, Emily and Oliver got back together.

Have a nice week guys!

1 comment:

Sherry Go Sharing said...

Monday is lazy I think nobody wants to start work.