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Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Defiant Globe Telecom

Yesterday night, my Unlitxt80 expired. Since I have been hearing that the NTC ordered to resume the old Unlimitxt price scheme, I registered for the 5 days unlimited text using the old keyword. Instead of receiving a receipt message from my registration, I received a promo message of the new Unlitxt service.

I called the Customer Service of Globe and followed the voice prompt for the Unlimitxt service concerns. According to the voice prompt, I would be receiving a receipt message within an hour, but I did not. I called again and talked to the Customer Service Agent. I politely ask for the new keyword of the 5 days text unlimited since I am aware of the NTC order. But according to the agent, their management has not yet released any guidelines regarding the issue and I would have to stick on the new unlimited service.

What is NTC doing with this matter?

Visit www.txtpower.org for the complete news thread.


Tonyo said...
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Tonyo said...

Globe really stinks. It surprised subscribers with a deviously-crafted "promo" that raised unlimitxt rates by 100 percent. Now, it even has the gall to DEFY an order of the NTC.

Let's fight back by boycotting Globe starting Feb. 8, and by attending the public hearing on Feb. 9, 2pm at the NTC.