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Thursday, March 27, 2008

How To Gain Your Page Ranks

I have been receiving questions on how I gained my Page Rank back. Here are the things I did that I got from a SEO eBook.

First, be reminded that Page Rank is all about links, links and links. Make sure to regularly check your Links page if the sites you have linked are still linking you. Linking them without them linking you will just drag your PR down. Erase immediately!

Second, still in your Links page, after checking if you are still linked with those sites, check with Google if that site is banned. If the site is PR 0 then the site might be banned. To double check, go to the Google website then search for the exact URL of the site (http://makoyskie.blogspot.com). If there are no search results then the site is positively banned. You must immediately delete their links or you will eventually be penalized and receive a PR 0. Take note that new sites are an exception to this since it will take time to be indexed in Google.

And lastly, review the Guidelines for Webmasters provided by Google. You might be doing stuffs that are actually prohibited. Better be safe than sorry.

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