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Thursday, February 28, 2008

David Archuleta "Imagine", The Next American Idol

David Archuleta American IdolLast night was the second performance night for the guys in American Idol Season 7. Songs were picked from the 70’s era. By the way, I still don’t know who was eliminated from last week. I was of course enjoying myself that time in bowling.

With the guys’ performance last night, David Archuleta has the biggest margin in winning this season. He by the way performed the song "Imagine" by John Lennon. He sings way better for his age and looks like a pop star in a making. The judges even agreed based on his performances. I was even surprised to hear loud screams from the audience before and after his performance.

Right after American Idol I watched the first episode of the second season of Prison Break. I’d love to continue watching it but my cell phone alarmed for a fresh episode of Project Runway Season 4. The contestants went to a field trip to Hershey’s in New York Times Square. As usual, they made clothes from items found in Hershey’s. My favorite creation was of Gillian. It’s just disappointing that she didn’t win the challenge. I’d love to eat her dress though--it’s edible of course. Hehe.

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Anonymous said...

I also saw his performance which gives me goose bumps.I also wanted to cry with his performance, I don't know why. :D

pehpot said...

well he did not win it..

Make or Break

Denis said...

hes very close kaso naging kampante fan base nya