I think I was online for about two hours. I was a bit shy coz it took me that long and I was only customer left inside Yoshinoya. After my lunch and Wifi, I went to the supermarket to buy some food for the month. I feel like hoarding food since I already bought a tight plastic container. I usually don’t hoard food since ants and rats are only benefiting from my food. To sum my grocery list, I bought crackers, cupcakes, instant noodles, red iced tea, sandwich spreads and some junk foods. Thank God it was only less than 500 pesos.
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Thanks for bringing back your project wonderful advertisement at my blog.. A suggestion why don't you put the links at your advertisement pointing to your contest.
In that way you can increase awareness about it..
Just a suggestion..
hoarding galore?!?
Make or Break
i feel this way lalo na pag may bagyo
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