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Thursday, November 22, 2007

How To Copy Links To Your Blog Posts

In the blogosphere world, you might have encountered the term “meme.” “Meme” or the tagging article requires a blogger to post the same article then including the names of your selected blogger friends.

Most of these memes requires us to post the links of bloggers from the original article. What’s the easiest way to copy these links in our blog posts without manually inputting their URL links? The answer is with the help of Microsoft Word.

Here is the step-by-step guide in copying links:
1. Highlight then copy (Ctrl+C) the selected links then paste (Ctrl+V) it in Microsoft Word.
2. From the pasted links in Microsoft Word, highlight it then copy it again.
3. Paste it to your blog composer. If you are a blogger user, make sure to point your composer to the “Compose” tab and not in the “Edit HTML” tab.
4. Voila! Your links are all set. No need for the laboring one by one linking.

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1 comment:

J said...

very good tip you have here makoy. thanks for sharing. please add naman on your link my extension home:www.julianaslair.com.

many thanks and have a great week ahead.
