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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Ugly Makoy

I feel ugly today! I have a large pimple on my left temple and the black pants that I am wearing now smells like undried clothes. Too bad the weather lately does not cooperate with me.

Anyway, I have updated my blog header this morning. I tried uploading my favorite header (emote) but it seems to need some polishing. For the mean time, I have uploaded the “happy” header picture.

I can’t wait for 5 P.M. so I could go home and rest. I want to sleep! Harrr! It’s my laundry day today.

Makoy emote header

Makoy happy header


Anonymous said...


blackdarkheart said...

refreshing tingnan yung "happy" header mo!!. ugly? jos ko. araw araw ata ganyan ako..gud pm

Anonymous said...

no.. infact, ure cute :D

deus ex machina said...

haha found a kindred spirit here. the
not so cooperative weather been adding up to expenses lately- kelangan pa-laundry lagi kasi di natutuyo labada hehehe

chase / chubz said...

i love the new header.. very cute.