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Saturday, August 18, 2007


RatatouilleThursday after work, I left early to watch Ratatouille at Greenbelt 3. Afternoon that day, a friend of mine gave me two Ayala cinema tickets worth 100 pesos each. The tickets though are only valid until Friday so I invited my friend to watch the movie.

We had our dinner first at Food Choices then went to SM Department Store and checked the prices of pillows and foam mattresses. Went straight to Greenbelt afterwards. We dropped by the chapel first and were amazed by the geese right beside the chapel. They are so cute and lovely even they are just resting on the grass.

Greenbelt geese Greenbelt geese Greenbelt geese
We went to the cinema booth then bought tickets. We just added 120 pesos since the movie cost 160 pesos. We bought popcorn and entered the cinema with just few people in it. And take note, I did not find any children in the cinema.

The movie in general is entertaining and fun to watch. There are scenes though that are yucky for me. They are still rats that grosses me out.

The movie definitely touched me. It’s a good story that everyone should see.

1 comment:


Hi Makoy, I will watch this movie when I get a chance. It looks funny.