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Monday, August 20, 2007

Shredding and Packing

Yesterday morning, I planned to start my day with my exercise then have a bath. Unexpectedly, I got my gym bag (as if I’m enrolled to a gym) and packed all my books. All got in easily and my bag was very heavy.

After that, I shred my credit card bills, bank’s statement of accounts and other paper clutter in my closet using my scissors. I was surprised how mess I was able to trash out. After that cutting and tearing, my hands are all achy and sore.


Slippery Gap said...

ok at least you got productive for the day :)

thanks for dropping by my blogsite.
Stay tuned for more posting. And I 'll shall do the same with yours.


Slippery Gap said...

btw you might get confused. I started this website slippery gap before but since i couldn't log on in blogspot. i am now maintaining wordpress.