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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Alarming Peso Value

I was preparing last Monday the chart for the peso-dollar foreign exchange. I was shocked while I was refreshing the chart that the peso is now on the 46 level. It’s just sad that all are affected with the recession even the biggest economy in the world, United States. I heard that this will somehow improve after the US presidential elections.

With the looming economy in the future, I just hope that my work here in Singapore will not be affected. I was asking my contact in the recruitment agency about the recession issue and she told me that I shouldn’t worry if I am working hard. My current employer is in need of a long term employee according to her, so I just need to prove to them that I am capable of the job. I just hope that is true.

Here in Singapore, the issue about recession is big. Employees are talking about it and there are articles about it on the newspaper every day. They were even saying that Singapore is not accepting foreigners anymore and would just focus on hiring locals and foreigners with permanent residency.

Let us just hope and pray that everything will be okay. I have no other option but to work here.

If you like this post, buy me a cup of coffee.


Anonymous said...

As an American who follows politics, I can tell you that if socialism gets in via Obama, the economy will NOT improve. Simple economics; he will raise taxes and take from "the rich" [people who hire others]. Better hope McCain/Palin gets in from economic (and less govt.) aspects, and prolife/profamily views.

pehpot said...

nakakalungkot talaga..

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