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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Evil Step Daughter Break Down Part II

My roommates and I were then surprised that the vampire family and evil step daughter have decided not to accept the tenant who just gave the 100 SGD down payment. Evil step daughter wants her friend to be the one to move. Cinderella man has nothing to do but to tell the viewer the bad news and to return the down payment. The next thing we heard from them is that they are going to have a meeting with regards to the new issue. Vampire mommy even asked us if it’s possible to give our money back in staggered payment. According to her that was the idea of evil step daughter. Obviously, we need the money at the end of the month and we said no.

When evil step daughter arrived that night, she was then asked by Cinderella man on the new issue with a shouting voice. Cinderella man went on with his talking and evil step daughter froze with disbelief that he is shouting at her. She then went to the living room crying and was on the phone talking to her friend. Evil step daughter wants her friend to pick her up and would sleep over at her place. Cinderella man I think had enough with them. It was humiliating in his part not to be included in the decision making.

After my roommate went outside to console her, I went outside to eavesdrop. What’s so surprising is that it was never evil step daughter’s idea to pay us in staggered payment. It was Vampire Mommy’s idea since they have many financial problems.

If you like this post, buy me a cup of coffee.

1 comment:

pehpot said...

hmm.. ano ba tintalo nito ang telenovela dito LOL

Make or Break