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Monday, March 3, 2008

1,000th Post: Error In Connecting to MS SQL Server

Last week after I did a Windows Update for my Windows 98 computer in the office, it suddenly cannot connect to the Microsoft SQL Server. It was really annoying since I used that other computer to run my reports. I tried other options found in the Internet such as re-installing the operating system and installing a higher MDAC version.

I don’t know what to do. Until now our technical department has no solution for it. Here by the way are the error messages displayed when I am installing MDAC:

Error registering the OCX C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ADO\msado15.dll
Error registering the OCX C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\OLE DB\sqlxmlx.dll
Error registering the OCX C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\OLE DB\sqloledb.dll

If you know the solution to this error, hit me a message please.

Many thanks!

If you like this post, buy me a cup of coffee.


desperateblogger said...

wow. how i wish i can give you a tech mumbojumbo to fic your cpu but the only advise i can give you is "pukpukin mo likod ng cpu, may topak lang yan".

interesting contest. i'll look into it.

pehpot said...

ngek.. how in the world will I know? I don't even know the words. techie stuff eh..

Make or Break

Denis said...

1000th post? solid inspiration