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Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Britney SpearsMonday—After struggling with my cough over the weekend, I finally had my checkup with our company doctor. After answering all his queries and placed his stethoscope on my back, he told me that I have bronchitis. As easy as that huh!?!

He prescribed me with an Antibitiotic (Amoxicillin) and a Mucolytic medicine (Erdosteine). I was surprised with the price of Erdosteine, which costs 18.50 each. I end charging almost 500 pesos on my credit card. The last time he prescribed me medicine for my tonsillitis, he went overboard with the costs of medicines even I asked for the generic brands. It still cost much.

Yesterday after work, I did my laundry for the week. I was wearing my new gloves, all yellow and bright. Hahaha! I don’t know if it helped but it slowed my washing procedure. When its time to rinse the clothes, I took off the gloves. I finished around 9 P.M. I bought my dinner afterwards on a new “carinderia” (food outlet) in our neighborhood. The usual “carinderia” was too salty for my taste so I moved to the other food outlet.

Had my bath after dinner then just watched TV. News about Erap’s verdict was all over news. I just hope demonstrators would be peaceful. I also saw Britney’s poor performance on the MTV VMA 2007. She even forgot her lyrics and her dance steps. Too bad for her music comeback.


Anonymous said...

i feel your bronchitis. we're exactly the same. hehe, ive been having this cough for like 3 months na and yet i wasnt able to come up with an idea of going to the doctor. i guess when ure already working and aging, u can't bare to hear the result when its there. haiz.

So kmsta naman c britney? ehehehe. kaloka.

dean said...

parang kang baby, may bronchitis! hehehe!! ako rin, every year (since i started working) nagkakaron ng pacute este acute bronchitis. mahal ng gamot no? take better care of your health... wag ka patuyo ng pawis lalo na pag aircon. (uy concerned citizen?)

Anonymous said...

poor, poor britney.

syempre si britney yung pinansin ko hindi yung bronchitis. hehehe

Anonymous said...

hope you're getting well..

Anonymous said...

that laundry with the yellow gloves is funny.

Anonymous said...

Britney now is like a fat pigy...



Now american idol help britney to back her popularity


chase / chubz said...

its always good to have a second opinion.