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Thursday, August 2, 2007

Red Siopao

Yesterday around 3 P.M., my officemate and I went to 7-11 and bought snacks. I went to BPI first and deposited some money. On our way to 7-11 near Linden Suites, the sky looked gloomy and dull. As we were done paying our snacks, the rain suddenly poured. It poured like it won’t stop. We decided to just eat inside the convenience store and wait for the rain to stop.

After finishing our snacks, it’s still raining. We waited 20 minutes outside the store then ran from building to the next building, soaking wet. It’s just annoying that people tend to make you feel bad even you cannot control the situation. Is it my fault that it rained and we got wet? Isn’t damn insensitive and childish to put the blame on me when in the first place you agreed to eat at 7-11.

Anyway, I was really annoyed by my officemate’s whining and irritable arrogant face. Arrggghh! When we got in the office, a plate of pancit bihon surprised me in my table. Apparently, it’s our company doctor’s birthday last Saturday. I just had few spoonfuls of it and threw the plate on the trashcan.

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