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Friday, August 10, 2007

And The Winner Is...

Poll question result headerFinally after ten days of polling, you guys have selected the best new header picture for my blog. Results are as follows: Serious (13 points/38%); Happy (11 points/31%); and Emote (11 points/31%). Anyway, I would be posting “Happy” and “Emote” header pictures in the coming months.

I have a new poll by the way. The poll question is, “Would you consider cosmetic surgery?” This was inspired by my Imee Marcos post, “Locked Jaw” last August 3rd.

Thank you again guys for your votes! God bless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oi, you have a new header. I voted "Happy" but unfortunately, it didn't win... :)

Coincidentally, i have a new header, too. No, it's actually a new layout... :)