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Monday, February 5, 2007

One More Try

This afternoon, I tried my luck in applying for a new work. By 4 P.M., I received call from the company I applied—asking if I was available for an interview. Since I am still at work and my nosy officemates might eavesdrop on my interview, I just reset it to 7 P.M.

I left the office scared that I might receive the call while I am still on the road—that everyone would look at me strange and I would feel awkward. On my mind, I was practicing answering on the questions she might ask. I hoped that she would not ask questions on specific dates coz I have not reviewed my resume before I left the office.

I was still on a FX taxi when it turned 7 P.M. I am expecting that she would be calling in a minute. But, my phone did not ring. I already had my headset fix, ready for plugging. I was just a block away from our subdivision when it finally rang. I got confused on plugging the headset that it stopped ringing. When I got off the FX taxi and walked to our house, she finally called again. This time, I got the headset all covered and I answered her call. I looked for a spot in our subdivision, sat there and continued with the interview.

Just the normal interview, it tackled about my work experience and education. It only lasted 19 minutes. What just fascinated me is this question, “What do you like most about your job?” I cannot think of any that I just answered, “I brought productivity and efficiency to the company.” It made me realize that I am not happy with my current work and I have to step up my career.

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