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Monday, September 4, 2006

Scorching Hot!

It was really hot yesterday! Thank God it’s Monday. I don’t need to endure the heat at home. I just have to endure the heat with my workload the whole week.

My weekend was so far great. The usual visit to the derma every Saturday. This time, I saw some difference compared to my first visit. I won’t tell the gore details. Hehe.

I also went to see Little Man last Saturday. White Chicks is better than this movie. But, it’s still hilarious and fun to watch.

I started my call card business this weekend. So far, I have 2 creditors and prospective clients. I just hope I would earn big when time comes. If you’re interested in selling call cards, I might be a help to you. Call me!

1 comment:

Sherry Go Sharing said...

white chicks I saw it, its hilarious!