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Monday, June 25, 2012

Adele Was Dumped by Bisexual Lover

Adele Was Dumped by Bisexual Lover
Photo credit: NBC
Multi-Grammy winner Adele finally shed some light when regards to her love life that helped her create the smash hit "21."

In the biography penned by Marc Shapiro, Adele has revealed that she was dumped by her bisexual lover by her gay friend four hours after she declared her love.

In an excerpt from Adele: The Biography, Marc Shapiro wrote, "One thing we know is that it was a first love gone terribly bad. Adele had professed her love and he did the same, she had known he was bisexual but, in the rush of romance, felt they could make it work. Four hours after laying their emotional cards on the table, the boy ran off with one of Adele's gay friends!"

Aside from Adele's heartbreak, she also revealed that her father was an alcoholic who almost killed him.

Adele: The Biography will be available on July 17, 2012.

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