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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

For The First Time Lyrics

by KC Concepcion (aKa Cassandra)

Are those your eyes
Is that your smile
I've been looking at you forever
But I never saw you before
Are these your hands holding mine
Now I wonder how I could have been so blind

For the first time
I am looking in your eyes
For the first time
I’m seeing who you are
I can't believe how much I see
When you're looking back at me
Now I understand why love is, love is
For the first time

Can this be real
Can this be true
Am I the person I was this morning
And are you the same you
Its all so strange
How can it be
All along this love was right in front of me


Such a long time ago
I have given up in finding this emotion
Ever again
But you live with me now
Yes, I found you somehow
And I've never been so sure, so sure

If you like this post, buy me a cup of coffee.

1 comment:

pehpot said...

for the first time.. hehe parang ayaw ko mag comment LOL

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