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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Home Alone 1

home alone 1 posterLast night after watching The Simple Life on ETC, I went to write some stuff for my blog. While writing, I played the movie, “Home Alone 1” on my laptop.

Would you believe that I still laugh on this movie? It is actually one of my favorite childhood movies. I can remember that we used to watch it every Christmas when my sisters and I were young. We were just contended to watch it on VHS tape.

I checked the VCD label while watching it and was shocked that this movie was made on 1990. I was nine years old then. Haha!

It was almost 12 midnight when the movie finished. I immediately rushed myself to prepare to sleep. I’ve been sleeping late for the past days, which is bad for my face. I now have two pimples, which can be used to connect the dots. Hahaha!

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1 comment:

Denis said...

i like this movie too, its light and crazily funny