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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Blistered Toe

At Robinson’s Galleria yesterday after work, I waited for a long time for a ride home. By 7 P.M., I have decided to just eat in Robinson’s food court. When I went back to have my ride home, I’ve managed to ride a jeepney but without a fight among the other passengers.

When I got home, I rested until 9 P.M. then went on to do my exercise. While exercising I was watching TV. I was all sweating and gasping for air while I’m doing my jumping rope routine. I was barefoot while doing it that’s why my right toe ached and it has a little blister. The next time I would do my jumping rope, I would wear a rubber shoes.

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Lorelei said...

Ouch! Blisters are no fun! Yes, definitely wear sneakers/tennis shoes next time! So is the jump rope working out well for your exercise?

Drake said...

See what happens when you don't wear proper workout gear... Tsk tsk. Mag-sapatos na kasi. It'll also give you cushioning and support for your joints.