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Saturday, August 18, 2007


After 5 P.M., I’m still not done with my report with the additional requirements requested by our CEO. We left the office almost 7 P.M. I was tired, sleepy and starving. The CEO saying, “Thank you” was a surprise and a signal that I can finally go home.

According to my boss last Thursday when I left early to watch Ratatouille, the CEO asked for me and grinningly commented that I escaped him. I was glad my officemate was there to wait for me in exchange for siomai at 7-11. I was starving so we had dinner at Jollibee Shangri-La. My sister sent me a SMS message saying that the flood was waist high outside our house so I make sure that I’m full before struggling in going home.

I arrived in Tambo before 8 P.M. and was there waiting for an FX taxi for about 30 minutes. Many are stranded and all FX taxi and jeepneys are full. I walked towards KFC in Coastal then used their restrooms. I have more competition outside KFC—all eager to ride any means of transportation. I’m just annoyed that most of the jeepney and FX taxi drivers cut their trips to skip traffic in Sucat, leaving passengers stranded.

I sent a SMS message to my bestfriend who has a car and asked him if he could pick me up. Unfortunately he cannot. The streets he would cross are all flooded so it’s very impossible. I did appreciate his call after his reply to my SMS message. His comforting was nice and it helped ease my nerves.

An idea hit me to cross Coastal and wait for a jeepney there. On my first try, I managed to ride a jeepney to Sucat. It’s absolutely hell traffic and when I mean hell, vehicles are not moving. The traffic stretched from MIA all the way to Evacom. I arrived home after 10 P.M.

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