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Monday, August 6, 2007

No Grudge

Before I got in the bus on my home, the rain already poured so hard. I was waiting for a bus on the shed near the sidewalk of MRT Taft. It even rained inside the bus I’m in. A guy in front of me kiddingly asked the bus conductor for discount since he and his girlfriend got wet inside the bus.

Anyway, I was feeling dizzy and starving on my way home even I had “goto” for snack. I just bought peanuts from the sidewalk to fill-up my stomach.

Back to the bus, the rain continuously to fall on the stretch of Macapagal Avenue. I was hoping it would stop when we reach Tambo. Unfortunately it did not. When I got off the bus, I went to the spot where my balut vendor houses. Sadly, he’s not there. My craving for balut suddenly went to the drain. I went back to the main road with my shaky black umbrella then waited for a FX taxi.

I know the country is suffering from drought and water crisis, so I shouldn’t feel bad with the current weather. I should pray for more rain to help our farmers and to fill up our dams. More rain please!

1 comment:

Tami said...

haha natawa ako sa 'rained inside the bus' =)