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Monday, August 13, 2007


A fellow blogger from Cebu City now teaches me Cebuano words. His first word was “choy.” According to him, choy means good-looking and well dreased.

Second word was “ginamos.” I don’t know how to pronounce it in Cebuano. But, it is the Cebu word for “bagoong.” I just don’t know what variant of bagoong it is.


JGG said...

cebuano is easy to learn.. ang learning cebuano is fun! cebuano or bisaya?

cebuano is used to refer the dialect spoken in cebu island. bisaya is used to refer the language spoken in visayas and in mindanao.

the difference between the two are on inflection, clipping ang blending of words, but basically, both are the same.

many prefer to use bisaya (as term) than cebuano..

Anonymous said...

yep, as what batang buotan said, Cebuano is easy to learn. i was in Cebu for a month and i was able to easily learn th dialect. of course, i'm not yet as fluent as the natives but i can haggle at the palengke.

'yun naman ang pinakaimportante. hehe.

just dropping by..

Anonymous said...

hmmm, i think ginamos is the bagoong that's made of fish (dilis) ......similar to bagoong balayan.....diff from the usual bagoong we have (shrimp paste).