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Thursday, February 15, 2007

GPA, GWA, Whatever

Yesterday, I have been trying to contact my alma mater to inquire on my GPA. Apparently on other schools, GPA is already indicated in the Transcript of Records. I looked in the Internet the contact number of my school and inquired on the School Director. Upon inquiring on the School Director, he referred me to the College Dean—giving me the phone number to call. I tried dialing the number of our College Dean, but it keeps on returning a busy tone. I tried calling before five in the afternoon and a school staff answered my call. She informed me that the Dean is still on a phone call—asking me to call back after ten minutes. So I called again after ten minutes only to be replied to just ask my question to the Registrar—again giving me a phone number to call.

I tried calling the Registrar, but according to an accounting staff, the Registrar already left. Giving me a sarcastic answer that it is Valentine’s Day. Okay…

This morning, I successfully talked to the registrar. According to her, she manually computes the GPA—not readily available on their system. Instead of waiting for days for my request, she just gave me the computation. Sum (Grade x Units) / Sum (Units) ROTC, PE and Euthenics are not included in the computation.

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