After enjoying my ice cream, I went to Book Sale and browsed for good books. I started in the computer section until the fiction section. I was not amazed by what I saw so I decided to look for new books in National Bookstore. The first thing I looked for was the top selling books list and based my browsing selection on it. There is a new book from Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Memories Of My Melancholy Whores) and Mitch Albom (For One More Day) I am interested to buy. I do not have the opportunity to read the first paragraph of Albom’s new book because it is still wrapped, but Marquez’ first three paragraphs intrigued me. I think I have to invest my money again on buying new books.
After that, I went to the Filipino-authored books and saw Jessica Zafra’s new book entitled “The 500 People You Meet In Hell”. Haha. I think the title is based on Mitch Albom’s book “The Five People You Meet In Heaven.” I have read some of its pages with large illustrations on it. Interesting to read, but advised to just borrow this book from a friend. Any suggestions on what book to buy?
After my book exploration, I went to the department store to buy some toothpaste and new underwear. When I arrived home, I just remembered to check prices for bathroom scales. I am just concerned whether I am gaining weight or not. I hope I am gaining.
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