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Saturday, January 20, 2007

Exhibit Type

I find it strange why for some people it is easy to promise or to commit. Popularly called for Filipinos as “drawing.” I do not know where it originated, but from my own interpretation people are called drawing because it can be related on a drawing, which can be easily erased, just like a promises, a commitment or an obligation. You might have heard the saying, “promises are meant to be broken.”

As for myself, I have created a new term for a higher level drawing type of person—I call them “exhibit.” Come on…think first before reading my explanation. Well, just like an art exhibit, an exhibit person contains a various collection of drawings. Just like a large-scale estafa case.

Oh, I hate this type of people especially when they owe you money. You should not expect a payment from them on time or else you would get sick waiting. I do hope exhibit people would meet their match and reciprocate the hassle their giving to responsible people like me.

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