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Monday, August 28, 2006

A Bad Day

I’m really having a bad day today. I woke up with this giant zit on my nose—that I could even see in my own eye…Even the MRT I took has no air-conditioning. I endured smelling the sweat of my co-passenger. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…. Should I avail a sick leave? What could be a possible reason? Uhh lemme see… A giant zit? Emotional imbalance? Wahaha!

Anyway, my weekend was okay. I started my Saturday with my derma visit. It was painful compared to my previous visits. I endured 3 injections and many pricking to my skin. Oh! the pain of beauty. After my derma visit, I had a hearty dinner with a friend in Sbarro. Baked ziti and meat delight pizza, yummy!!! After dinner, we went to the movies and watch Click. This is the best Adam Sandler’s movie yet. You have to watch it! Thanks for the treat! Sa uulitin!!!

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